FFmpeg website notes: - Improve browsing experience - Make pages for installation, usage, API and development. - Alter navigation to encompass these in an intuitive way. - Improve aesthetics - Keep images to a minimum. - Use things that will look OK in text only browsers. - Bring in a simple, clean and well-coordinated style. (CSS?!) - Navigation draft - Front page - Concise description of FFmpeg project - News - About FFmpeg - Detailed description of FFmpeg project - Features - Codecs - Formats - Protocols? - Filters? - Legal concerns - Installation of FFmpeg - svn checkout - dependencies/configuration/compilation - Usage - What programs are available? - ffmpeg - ffplay - ffserver - FAQ/troubleshooting - Tips and tricks - Development with FFmpeg libraries - libavcodec - libavformat - libavfilter (libpostproc? libswscale?) - examples - Development of FFmpeg - working on codecs/formats/filters - internal APIs? - changelog - feature wish list(s)? - roadmap? - suggestions for how to sponsor features - Links - Mailing lists - Projects using FFmpeg - Points of reference